Saturday, November 7, 2009

My summer is finally over.

So, after getting a little too much into Guild Wars, completely ignoring my own whims to put out my own CD in November, starting school, and doing the musical I've decided I'll try my best to keep up a blog when I remember it.

Today I'll start out with a rant on a certain teacher who bothers me because of his closed-mindedness.

My teacher, who will remain nameless for privacy purposes, had us do an assignment on the Summa Theologica and how it proves that God definitely exists using logic. Logically, God shouldn't exist because there's no concrete proof. All those "saints"? Yeah, they're just nutjobs that the Catholic Church took and put on a pedestal. Don't get me wrong, I don't not believe in the divine and good, but I'm saying faith means believing in something that shouldn't exist naturally. I find it hard to believe in something that I haven't seen, because of this koan(A zen story) that says at the end, "I don't know about Buddhas of the past, present, or future; but I know cats exist, and I know cows exist." Pretty much the dude that said that meant he couldn't tell you about anything he hadn't seen for proof. He had seen cats(Around the temple) and he had see cows(Out in the fields) and therefore he knew they were real, but he had never met Buddha and had no proof that Buddha even existed or wasn't some looney-tune with a towel on.

Now, I'm not saying don't believe in God, Allah, or whoever else you worship, but what I'm saying is take everything anyone says with a grain of salt. You don't need to believe someone just because they have a fancy degree or they stand up in front of the class and tell you "how it is." The assignment we had to do was so obviously wrong I had decided I would actually do the assignment, just to see some counter-arguements. Well, the assignment wasn't collected, looked at, or hardly discussed in class, but I did input on one part of the Summa Theologica, and that's what I'm going to leave here so that you can come up with your own arguement to return to me, since apparently, "That's not true," is the only answer I was able to pull out of said teacher.

God exists because he is the only thing that is necessary to exist for us to be here in this world. (Starting arguement)
My reply was, "But this world wouldn't be the same without me in it." This the class laughed, thinking I was trying to be funny. I then said, "You see, I shape the world around me just as much as the world around me shapes me and therefore, without me this world would not be THIS world, but a different one." The teacher responded with, "But the world would be the same, that's not true." And I repeated myself, only using the teacher as an example in hopes of furthering his understanding. "The world would be the same because God changes the world how he wants. That's not true." So apparently, God can act outside of cause and effect, can change the world however he wants independent of people, and is all-powerful. Why does he need us? Oh yeah, he's lonely. Therefore, the world WOULD NOT BE THE SAME if we(the human race) were not here in this world*.

*The word world I'm referring to would be this moment and time in the universe, every planet, every star, everybody, and everything, even that itch on the side of my face I'm going to scratch after I send this post in.

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